

% yum install gcc git autoconf make python-devel perl-Mozilla-LDAP \
perl-LDAP phpldapadmin openldap-devel bind ctags-etags

Getting the Source Code#

% git clone git://
% cd samba

If you need to get a specific version (e.g. release-4-0-0alpha10):

% git checkout -b devel <tag>

To view the list of tags:

% git tag

Getting development branch:

% git remote add github git://
% git fetch github
% git checkout --track -b development github/development

Building Samba#

% cd samba/source4
% ./
% ./configure.developer --disable-external-libtalloc \
--disable-external-libtdb --disable-external-libtevent \
% make etags idl_full clean all
% make install

Testing Samba#

To test Samba with standard backend:

% cd samba/source4
% make quicktest

To test Samba with OpenLDAP backend:

% export OPENLDAP_SLAPD=/usr/local/libexec/slapd
% export TEST_LDAP=yes
% export TEST_OPTIONS=--ldap=openldap
% make quicktest

To test Samba with DS backend:

% export FEDORA_DS_ROOT=/usr
% export TEST_LDAP=yes
% export TEST_OPTIONS=--ldap=fedora-ds
% make quicktest

