


Ticket #3060; additional ticket #3247

Fix several problems with the ipa tool online help. Individual improvements are detailed below.

Use Cases#

Please see Design. Substitute user for TOPIC and user-add for COMMAND to get concrete use cases.


  • Output of ipa help shows the usage string (“ipa [global-options] COMMAND [command-options]”), a purpose string (“Manage an IPA domain”), a list of global options (with consistent descriptions: start with a capital, no dot at the end), and the following references to more info:

See "ipa help topics" for available help topics.
See "ipa help ``\ ``" for more information on a specific topic.
See "ipa help commands" for the full list of commands.
See "ipa ``\ `` --help" for more information on a specific command.
  • ipa --help, ipa -h and ipa help produce the same output.

  • Executing ipa without a command (a violation of the declared usage) outputs the help (as with ipa help) to stderr, along with an error message:

`` ipa: ERROR: command not specified``

  • Executing ipaTOPIC (again a usage violation) outputs the topic help (ipa helpTOPIC output) to stderr, along with an “unknown command” error.

  • ipa help COMMAND is equivalent to ipa COMMAND --help, except when there is a topic with the same name.

  • When a command has the same name as a topic (for example, ping),
    ipa helpping gives the topic help, and

    ipaping--help gives the command help.

  • The output of ipa help help (and ipa help --help) makes it clear that ipa help accepts both topics and commands.

  • Output of ipa help commands and ipa help topics is formatted the same way: two columns, one with the command/topic name, the other with a short purpose string. No extra unrelated information is given.

  • Output of ipa COMMAND --help contains the purpose string that appears in ipa help commands.

  • Output of ipa help TOPIC contains the purpose string that appears in ipa help topics.

  • ipa COMMAND --help and ipa help give help even without Kerberos credentials.


No additional requirements or changes were discovered during the implementation phase.

Feature Managment#


Major configuration options and enablement#




Updates and Upgrades#

N/A; update will change help output



External Impact#

Example outputs in the documentation might need to be updated

RFE author#
