

Allow IPA permissions to apply to Anonymous and All authenticated users.

Use Cases#

Note: This is not very practical for write, but until the global read ACI is removed, examples need to use write permissions to be effective.

  • Allow all authenticated users to edit other users’ login shell

ipa permission-add 'Shell editable by all' --type=user --attrs=loginshell --bindtype=all --permissions=write

  • Allow all users (even anonymous ones via LDAP) to edit other users’ login shell

ipa permission-add 'Shell editable by anonymous' --type=user --attrs=loginshell --bindtype=anonymous --permissions=write


The permission_{add,mod,find} commands will get a new --bindtype option (attribute name: ipapermbindruletype) with these values:

  • “permission” (default) - Permission behaves as before – grants access through privileges+roles

  • “all” - Permission applies to all authenticated users (`ldap:///all <ldap:///all>`__)

  • “anonymous” - Permission applies to all users, even unauthenticated ones (`ldap:///anyone <ldap:///anyone>`__)

Note: As IPA API always requires authentication, unauthenticated users would need to use LDAP directly.

The permission_{add,mod,find,show} commands will output the ipapermbindruletype.

Permissions with ipapermbindruletype other than “permission” may not be added to privileges, and ipapermbindruletype other than “permission” may not be set on permissions that are already members of a privilege. (This will not be enforced on older servers. Adding such a permission to a privilege will not have any effect.)


No additional requirements or changes discovered during the implementation phase.

Feature Management#


The UI will need a new field for the bind type.

Adding permissions with non-default bindtype set to privileges, and setting non-default bindtype on permissions in privileges, should be disabled in the UI.


See Design.

Major configuration options and enablement#



ACIs are replicated.

Updates and Upgrades#

Permissions with non-default bindtype can only be created on new servers, so thety will be V2 permissions. This means old servers will not read or modify their ACIs.

Old servers will be able to add all permissions to privileges, but privilege membership will not have any effect unless bindtype=permission. Removing any permission from privileges will be possible on any server.



External Impact#

Will need tests and documentation

Backup and Restore#

ACIs are part of the DIT and so they are backed up.

Test Plan#

RFE Author#

Petr Viktorin

Category:FreeIPA V4 Test Plan Category:FreeIPA Test Plan