Author: Simo Sorce with help from Petr Spacek, Martin Basti, and others
This is a new proposal (Jan 2013) to support Location Based discovery in FreeIPA. It was inspired by earlier proposal made a while ago. The main difference is that it simplifies the whole management by eliminating IP subnets and special client code while still maintaining a great deal of flexibility. The key insight being that different locations can configure the network to use different FreeIPA DNS servers, that are local to the location being considered.
This document describes versions 2 and 3 of the proposal which are easier to implement. Version 1 which adds support for per-client overrides is described in separate document. Only version 3 will be implemented at this time. Please see comparison of proposals for further information about the differences.
Service Discovery is a process whereby a client uses information stored in the network to find servers that offer a specific service. It is useful for two reasons. First, it places the information required for the location of servers in the network, lessening the burden of client configuration. Second, it gives system and network administrators a central point of control that can be used to to define an optimized policy that determines which clients should use which server and in what order.
A standard for service discovery is defined in RFC 2782. This standard defines a DNS RR with the mnemonic SRV and usage rules around it. It allows a client to discover servers that offer a given service over a given protocol.
A drawback of SRV Records is that it assumes clients know the correct DNS domain to use as the query target. Without any further information, the client’s options includes using their own DNS domain and the name of the security domain in which the client operates (such as the domain name associated to the Kerberos REALM the client refers to). Neither option is likely to yield optimal results however. One key service discovery requirement, especially in large distributed enterprises, is to choose a server that is close to a client. However in many situation binding the client name to a specific zone that is tied to a physical location is not possible. And even if it were it would not address the needs of a roaming client that moves across the networks. We cannot have the name of a client change when it move across networks as this break the Kerberos protocol that associates keys to a fixed host name for Service Principals.
The incompleteness of RFC 2782 is acknowledged by systems such as Active Directory that contain extra functionality to augment SRV lookups to make them site aware. The basic idea is to use a target in SRV service discovery that is specific to a location or “site” in AD parlance. Unfortunately AD clients rely on additional configuration or side protocols to determine the client “site” and it is quite specific to Microsoft technologies so the method they use is not easily portable and reusable in other contexts nor documented in Standards or informative IETF RFCs.
This document specifies a protocol for location discovery based exclusively on DNS. While the protocol itself can be fully implemented with a normal DNS the FreeIPA mechanism is augmented by additional ‘location’ awareness and will depend on additional computation done by the FreeIPA DNS plugins.
Howto document: IPA Locations
Clients are doing DNS SRV lookup (RFC 2782) or DNS URI lookup (RFC 7553) to find out information about servers they should connect to.
There are sets of servers which are functionally equivalent but communication costs to different sets of servers vary.
For a client, it is ‘cheap’ to communicate with servers ‘near’ the client and it is more ‘expensive’ to communicate with ‘remote’ servers (higher latency, smaller throughput, pay-per-byte etc.).
Special case: Some clients are able to reach only subset of servers due to firewall restrictions etc.
Clients can roam among various networks so optimal set of servers changes from client’s perspective.
For this reason only one set of static DNS SRV records cannot suffice.
The DNS Locations feature will work only if TTL of DNS records is shorter than time which clients need to move between two locations.
At least one of the FreeIPA servers in each location is a DNS enabled server.
In principle this might be relaxed to “DNS view per location” but then IPA needs integration with DNS views on external servers.
Clients in each
are configured to use a local DNS server, which is (or recursively queries or forwards to) a local FreeIPA DNS server. In other words, the assumption is that a client in a specific location will generally query a FreeIPA server (possibly through forwarding or recursion) in the same location for location-specific information.If DNS recursion is involved, we assume that recursor is intelligent enough to query nearest FreeIPA DNS server. This is commonly done by querying servers with shortest round trip time. The implicit logic in DNS recursors can be overriden by explicit forwarding configuration.
In principle this might be done using “DNS view per location” but then IPA needs integration with DNS views on external servers.
To sum up: 1
is defined as set of servers which should be prefered by associated DNS clients.Typically the servers have the same functionality and communication costs (as seen from client’s perspective).
DNS resolution chain typically looks like
client->(any number of recursive resolvers)->authoritative server (or its view)
. All clients which end up querying the same location-specific DNS server (or its DNS view if views are in use) are associated with the same DNS location and will try to contact the same set of servers.
Current use of SRV records#
Client queries for SRV records located in the domain/realm
in the following example) and gets back all servers.
Assuming that all DNS servers responsible for given zone are returning a
static set of records, there is no way how to prioritize a server
‘nearest’ to the client at the moment. Consequenty, all FreeIPA servers
typically have the same priority (0) and weight (100):
``;_ldap._tcp.example.com. IN SRV``
``_ldap._tcp.example.com. SRV 0100 389 ipa-brno.example.com.``
``_ldap._tcp.example.com. SRV 0100 389 ipa-london.example.com.``
Use Cases#
Roaming clients should connect to set of ‘nearest’ servers so communication is ‘cheap’. When none of nearest servers is reachable, failover to remote servers might be desired.
Some clients might want to connect always to the same set of servers for some reason, i.e. server can be pinned to a location.
Future extension - out of scope for FreeIPA 4.4: The mechanism can be re-used for non-IPA services. Generally any service which is using
records can be hacked in this way. This might require specifying location on per-zone basics.
Feature Management#
Howto document: IPA Locations
Current proposal offers limited configuration capabilities on purpose to limit user inteface complexity.
One location can contain 1 or more FreeIPA servers and 1 server can be assigned to at most 1 location. Mechanism generating DNS SRV records will ensure that clients always prefer servers assigned to location over all other FreeIPA servers in topology (servers in client’s location will have static priority set to a value higher than all other servers).
Load-balancing among servers in one location is based on weight which can be defined by administrator. By default the load will be equally distributed among all servers in the location.
When none of servers assigned to particular location can be contacted, the client will use remaining servers (i.e. servers not assigned to the particular location) as fallback. These fallback servers always have smaller priority that all other servers assigned to the location by administrator so clients should return back to local servers as soon as they become available. (This depends on particular implementation on the client side.)
It seems as natural fit to somehow show locations in Topology Graph. Details TBD

Drag & drop servers between locations?
How to add/delete/edit locations?
LOCATION_NAME [–desc=text]
Add empty IPA location [with optional description].
Delete IPA location. All servers in given location will stay unassigned and will be used only as backup servers for other locations.
Get locations with name or description matching given SEARCH_TERM. List all locations if no SEARCH_TERM was specified.
Show location name, description, and list of all member servers including their weights + weights recalculated to relative number in percents. Mark IPA DNS servers in the output so it is easy to see which servers advertise this location.
ption: IPA location
dvertised by serve rs: server1.example
er: server1.example``
lative weight: 33 %``
S server, CA server``
er: server2.example``
lative weight: 67 %``
s: CA server, NTP ser ver, AD trust agent, AD trust controller``
`` serv`` weight 100`` `` re
`` Roles: DN
`` serv
`` weight: 200`` `` re
`` Role
This command is not
necessary if IPA DNS is used and no hand-tweaking is ever done by user. Re-generate all DNS records. This will be especially useful if someone manually tweaks DNS records in a wrong way or when external DNS is used. Option –dry-run will print the records without actually modifying them.
–l ocation=LOCATION_NAME [–loca tion-weight=0..65535]
Add IPA server into specified location. The server will be advertised in DNS SRV records for given location. One server can be member of at most 1 location.
All weights in one location detemine how requests from clients are distributed among IPA servers. Example: Location has three servers with weights 50, 25, 25. First server will receive 50 % of all requests and second and third server will receive 25 % requests, respectively. Default: 100, i.e. requests are evenly distributed among all servers.
Show assigned location and weight for particular server.
server-mod command should print a warning if non-empty location has zero advertising (IPA DNS) servers assigned
A warning should be printed if location has less than 2 DNS servers: “For redundancy configure at least two advertising DNS servers for this location.”
IPA DNS servers will automatically generate distinct DNS SRV and DNAME records for each location as necessary. To function properly, this feature depends on optimal routing of DNS queries from clients to nearest IPA DNS servers.
This auto-configuration depends on three conditions:
Number of IPA DNS servers >= number of configured IPA locations
All advertising IPA DNS servers are listed in NS records of IPA DNS zone
Server selection algorithm used by recursors (typically something based on round-trip time) selects nearest IPA DNS server which has to advertise nearest IPA location for given client
In standard configuration this should work automatically as long as all IPA DNS servers and their slaves are listed in NS records and recursors follow RFC 1035 section 7.2.
Explicit DNS query forwarding overrides normal server selection and can be used to fine-tune client-to-location assignment (or to unintentionally break auto-configuration described above).
Design (Version 1: DNAME per client)#
First version of this proposal which allowed per-client override was split to separate page. This version is being deferred for now.
Design (Version 2: DNAME per sub-tree)#
An alternative is to put DNAME redirection onto _udp
and _tcp
(and possibly other) sub-trees of the main domain and redirect these to
location-specific sub-tree.
Similarly to per-client _location
records, this DNAME redirection
can be different on each server.
This should work out of the box.
Interaction with hand-made records#
Side-effect of DNAME-redirecting _udp
and _tcp
subdomains is
that all original names under these subdomains will become
occluded/invisible to clients (see RFC 6672 section
This effectively means that hand-made records in the IPA DNS domain will
become invisible. E.g. following record will disappear when DNS
locations are configured and enabled on IPA domain ipa.example
_userservice._udp.ipa.example. SRV record: 0 100 123 own-server.somewhere.example
This behavior is in fact necessary for seamless upgrade of replicas
which do not understand the new template LDAP entries in DNS tree. Old
replicas will ignore the template entries and use original sub-tree (and
ignore _locations
sub-tree). New replicas will uderstand the entry,
generate DNAME records and thus occlude old names and use only new ones
(in _locations
Note: This would be unnecessary if IPA used standard DNS update protocol against standard DNS server with non-replicated zones because we would not need to play DNAME tricks. In that case we could instead update records on each server separately. With current LDAP schema we cannot do that without adding non-replicated part of LDAP tree to each DNS server.
If we added non-replicated sub-tree to each IPA DNS server we would have another set of problems because hand-made entries would not be replicated among IPA servers.
Handling of hand-made records adds some interesting questions:
How to find hand-made records?
Blacklist on name-level or record-data level? What record fields should we compare?
How to handle collisions with IPA-generated records?
Ignore hand-made records?
Add hand-made records?
Replace IPA generated ones with hand-made ones?
What triggers hand-made record synchronization?
Should the user or IPA framework call ipa location-update-records after each hand-made change to DNS records?
How is this synchronization supposed to work with DNS update protocol? Currently we do not have means to trigger an action when a records is changed in LDAP.
How it affects interaction with older IPA DNS servers (see above)?
There are several options:
For first version, document that enabling DNS location will hide hand-made records in IPA domain.
Add non-replicated sub-trees for IPA records and somehow solve replication of hand-made records.
What is the proper granularity? Create 20 backends so we can filter on name-level?
Do ‘something’ which prevents replication of IPA-generated DNS records among servers while still using one LDAP suffix.
With this in place we can mark IPA-generated records as non-replicable while still replicating hand-made records as usual. (An object class like
?) This would mean that we can drop whole_locations
sub-tree and each server will hold only its own copy of DNS records.
Find, filter and copy hand-made records from main tree into the
sub-trees. This means that every hand-made record needs to be copied and synchronized N-times where N = number of IPA locations.
Clients will query name _ldap._tcp.example.com.
as usual but this
name will be redirected to location-specific sub-tree:
;_ldap._tcp.example.com. IN SRV
_tcp.example.com. DNAME _tcp.cz._locations.example.com.
_ldap._tcp.example.com. CNAME _ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com.
_ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com. SRV 0 100 389 ipa-brno.example.com.
_ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com. SRV 3 100 389 ipa-london.example.com.
(A) The LDAP database contains records per each location (“Y.$LOCATION._location.$SUFFIX”) and default records (Y.$SUFFIX)
(B) The DNAME record that overrides the default locations in format _location.$HOSTNAMEDNAME$LOCATION._locations.$SUFFIX
(C) The DNS server in location using bind-dyndb-ldap generates DNAME records per protocol for IPA domain. A client from location cz will get SRV records with priority set for this location.
(D) The DNS server in location using bind-dyndb-ldap generates DNAME records per protocol for IPA domain. A client from location uk will get SRV records with priority set for this location.
(E) Configuration for client2 has been overridden. The client is configured to contact location uk but DNS server returns results for location cz. Client has to be configured to ask in format _service._proto._location.$CLIENT_HOSTNAME to be overridden effective.
[1] Client wants to connect to the closest LDAP server. (No extra configuration is required.)
[2] Client send DNS query in format _ldap._tcp.$SUFFIX to server in its location.
[3] DNAME records for each protocol for IPA domain has been dynamically created on DNS server.
[4] Server returns DNAME and CNAME (for old clients) records, the client has to ask server again to receive SRV records for the name returned by DNAME (CNAME).
[5] Server returns SRV records configured for this location (priority for servers located in CZ (Brno))
Compatibility tests#
FreeIPA client installer:
Fedora 23:
worksRHEL 5.11:
SSSD (ipa provider):
Fedora 23:
worksRHEL 5.11:
it seems that SSSD has a generic bug which inverts priority in DNS SRV records or does something else - the discovery found correct servers but the order was weird
discovery works with version 2
discovery does not respectdns_discovery_domain
option so version 1 will not work
nss_ldap (
option)RHEL 5.11:
works and respects priority properly
nss-pam-ldapd (
uri DNS
option)RHEL 6.7:
MIT Kerberos libs:
Fedora 23:
worksRHEL 5.11:
OpenLDAP libs (
-H dc=...
parameter):Fedora 23:
worksRHEL 5.11:
does not support DNS SRV lookup at all
Microsoft Active Directory
Windows Server 2008 R2 with updates released up to 2016-01-29, AD functional level 2008 (without R2): works in cross-forest scenario and respects SRV priorities - is it a way to cheap DNS sites for AD?
Design (Version 3: CNAME per service name)#
Version 2 poorly integrates with hand-made records which can be potentially used by users for non-IPA services in primary IPA DNS domain. Version 3 attempts to mitigate this problem at the expense of more complex aliasing and record handling in bind-dyndb-ldap and IPA framework.
IPA will generate _locations
DNS sub-tree in the same way as for
version 1 and
version 2.
The main difference in comparison with version
2 is the in way how
redirection from _kerberos._udp.$SUFFIX
is done.
IPA framework will add a “template” object class and attributes for each and every DNS name containing managed service records. I.e. a template will be added to:
… all of them
The template will generate CNAME redirection from original name to the location-specific name (which can be different on each DNS server). Example:
;_ldap._tcp.example.com. IN SRV
_ldap._tcp.example.com. CNAME _ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com.
_ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com. SRV 0 100 389 ipa-brno.example.com.
_ldap._tcp.cz._locations.example.com. SRV 3 100 389 ipa-london.example.com.
Servers which are not assigned to a location (or are too old to
understand the template) will ignore the template and use the original
value in *Record
For more information about mechanism generating the records see bind-dyndb-ldap design page.
(A) The LDAP database contains records per each location (“$Y.$LOCATION._location.$SUFFIX”) and default records (Y.$SUFFIX)
(B) The CNAME record that overrides the default locations in format $Y.$SUFFIXCNAME$Y.$LOCATION._locations.$SUFFIX
(C) The DNS server in location using bind-dyndb-ldap generates CNAME records per SRV record of IPA service for IPA domain. A client from location cz will get SRV records with priority set for this location.
(D) The DNS server in location using bind-dyndb-ldap generates CNAME records per SRV record of IPA service for IPA domain. A client from location uk will get SRV records with priority set for this location.
(E) Configuration for client2 has been overridden. The client is configured to contact location uk but DNS server returns results for location cz. Client has to be configured to ask in format _service._proto._location.$CLIENT_HOSTNAME to be overridden effective. Also, these records are not automatically generated so administrator has to manually configure CNAME record template for this client.
[1] Client wants to connect to the closest LDAP server. (No extra configuration is required.)
[2] Client send DNS query in format _ldap._tcp.$SUFFIX to server in its location.
[3] CNAME records for each protocol for IPA domain has been dynamically created on DNS server.
[4] Server returns CNAME records, the client has to ask server again to receive SRV records for the name returned by CNAME.
[5] Server returns SRV records configured for this location (priority for servers located in CZ (Brno))
Interaction with hand-made records#
Auto-generated CNAME records avoid problem with occluded/invisible
subdomains in _udp
and _tcp
Hand-made records with names which are not managed by IPA will be
visible as usual because IPA will not add template object class to them.
E.g. following record will stay as is when DNS locations are configured
and enabled on IPA domain ipa.example
_userservice._udp.ipa.example. SRV record: 0 100 123 own-server.somewhere.example.
This allows the user to use hand-made records as long as they do not
reside under the same DNS name which is managed by IPA. All hand-made
records under IPA-managed names (e.g. _kerberos._udp.$SUFFIX
) will
be ignored.
This approach also avoids synchronization problem because hand-made
records do not need to be copied into _locations
Given that client’s will see only CNAME, from client’s perspective version 3 should have the same or better properties than version 2. Version 2 used DNAME+CNAME and worked pretty well so I assume that version 2 should have the same or better compatibility with clients.
Comparison of proposals#
v1: DNAME per client
Risk of
with old
Per client
Works as
harder than
with standard
v2 <#
DNS server
Design but much easier than v1 8
DNS query
1 extra hop
1 extra hop
1 extra hop
DNS zone size
factor ~ 2.3
Zone signing
factor ~ 2.3
CPU overhead
Comparison with Microsoft Active Directory Sites#
Some administrators might be familiar with concept of Active Directory Sites. Please note that FreeIPA’s DNS Locations are different in several aspects:
FreeIPA’s replication topology is not affected in any way by DNS Locations
There is no concept of intra-site links between DNS Locations
Client’s location is determined by DNS server used by the client for making DNS queries for records in FreeIPA primary DNS domain
All clients using particular DNS server always belong to one DNS Location
In current implementation, there is no way to statically configure a client to always use particular location
Clients are using standard DNS queries and generally do not need to be aware of concept of locations
Consequently, the facility will work with any standard-compliant client (please see #Assumptions)
One thing is common to AD Sites and FreeIPA DNS Locations:
Set of servers assigned to one site (in case of FreeIPA servers with highest priority) are assumed to be optimal choice for clients assigned to that particular site.
Security Considerations#
As always DNS replies can be spoofed relatively easily (unless the zone is DNSSEC signed and records are validated on the client).
We recommend that SRV records resolution is used only for those clients that normally use an additional security protocol to talk to network resources and can use additional mechanisms to authenticate these resources. For example a client that uses an LDAP server for security related information like user identity information should only trust SRV record discovery for the LDAP service if LDAPS or STARTTLS over LDAP are mandatory and certificate verification is fully turned on, or if SASL/GSSAPI is used with mutual authentication, integrity and confidentiality options required.
Use of DNSSEC and full DNS signature verification may be considered an additional requirement in some cases.
Summmary of meeting 2016-02-04#
Participants: Simo Sorce, Petr Spacek, Martin Basti
We will start with per sub-tree approach and deffer V4/DNS Location Mechanism with per client override for now.
Keep in mind that bind-dyndb-ldap might get rid of GSSAPI. LDAPI mapping to a principal may change results from LDAP whoami.
LDAP schema and user interface has to be defined.
We should think about supporting DNS locations per (server & zone) so different zones can be assigned to different locations.
The implementation consists of several phases (preferably in this order):
Add per-IPA DNS server configuration capabilities to bind-dyndb-ldap
Cleanup and unification of DNS record generators in FreeIPA framework and installers
Add location management capabilities to FreeIPA (location-* commands)
Combine new record generators in FreeIPA framework with locations
Add support for default TTL value into bind-dyndb-ldap and FreeIPA (so roaming clients are not stuck with cached records)
Add management UI for per-DNS server configuration (to make it more manageable)
DNS server configuration#
This FreeIPA feature depends on two sub-features of bind-dyndb-ldap:
Both features contain a new attributes and related access controls. For details please see separate pages.
When a FreeIPA server is assigned to a location (which will be
advertised to clients), the DNS name of the location will be put into
attribute in
representing the DNS server.
CNAME data generation#
FreeIPA must create idnsTemplateObject
at all SRV records belongs to
IPA services in FreeIPA primary DNS domain.
All these objects need to contain attribute
which will instruct
bind-dyndb-ldap to generate the CNAME records for the particular
Following example will instruct bind-dyndb-ldap to generate
attribute with value constructed from prefix _udp.
user-defined variable ipalocation
, and suffix ._locations
dn: idnsName=_ldap._tcp,idnsname=example.com.,cn=dns,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: idnsTemplateObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: idnsRecord
idnsName: _ldap._tcp
srvrecord: 0 100 389 ipa.example.com.
idnsTemplateAttribute;cnamerecord: _ldap._tcp.\{substitutionvariable_ipalocation\}._locations
Records generated for IPA services#
One in IPA domain:
_kerberos TXT {IPA_REALM}
For each IPA master:
_ldap._tcp SRV 0 100 389 {hostname}
_kerberos._tcp SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos._udp SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos-master._tcp SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos-master._udp SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kpasswd._tcp SRV 0 100 464 {hostname}
_kpasswd._udp SRV 0 100 464 {hostname}
For each IPA CA server:
ipa-ca A {ipv4 address of server}
ipa-ca AAAA {ipv6 address of server}
For each IPA NTP server:
_ntp._udp SRV 0 100 123 {hostname}
For each ADTrust controller:
_ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 389 {hostname}
_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 389 {hostname}
_kerberos._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos._udp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
_kerberos._udp.dc._msdcs SRV 0 100 88 {hostname}
Location data generation#
We have to modify FreeIPA Python code responsible for generating DNS records in installers etc. so FreeIPA is able to automatically generate DNS records for each possible combination (service, location).
Preferably, there should be a standardized way for a service to yield set of records which should be placed into the DNS so this set of records can be further transformed and either placed into FreeIPA DNS or sent as update to an external DNS server.
This will require refactoring described in FreeIPA ticket #5620: Centralize DNS record creation in IPA services.
The record generator will be executed for the FreeIPA primary DNS domain and then again with modified priority and weight for each DNS location.
LDAP Data structure#
Objectclasses and attributes#
Bind-dyndb-related (Record generator, Per server config in LDAP), all located in DNS subtree
attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'idnsServerId' DESC 'DNS server identifier' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SINGLE-VALUE SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'idnsSubstitutionVariable' DESC 'User defined variable for DNS plugin' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'idnsServerConfigObject' DESC 'DNS server configuration options' STRUCTURAL MUST ( idnsServerId ) MAY ( idnsSubstitutionVariable $ idnsSOAmName $ idnsForwarders $ idnsForwardPolicy ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'idnsTemplateAttribute' DESC 'Template attribute for dynamic attribute generation' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'idnsTemplateObject' DESC 'Template object for dynamic DNS attribute generation' AUXILIARY MUST ( idnsTemplateAttribute ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
IPA locations part, in cn=etc subtree:
attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaLocation' DESC 'Reference to IPA location' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaLocationWeight' DESC 'Weight for the server in IPA location' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaLocationObject' DESC 'Object for storing IPA server location' STRUCTURAL MUST ( idnsName ) MAY ( description ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
objectClasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaLocationMember' DESC 'Member object of IPA location' AUXILIARY MAY ( ipaLocation $ ipaLocationWeight ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
Locations LDAP structure#
DN: cn=locations, cn=etc, $SUFFIX
objectlcass: nsContainer
cn: locations
DN: idnsName=prague, cn=locations, cn=etc, $SUFFIX
objectclass: ipaLocationObject
idnsName: prague
description: Servers in Prague area
Servers LDAP structure#
DN: cn=ipa-server.example.com,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc, $SUFFIX
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsContainer
objectclass: ipaSupportedDomainLevelConfig
objectclass: ipaReplTopoManagedService
objectclass: ipaLocationMember
cn: ipa-server.example.com
ipaMaxDomainLevel: 1
ipaMinDomainLevel: 0
ipaReplTopoManagedSuffix: o=ipaca
ipaReplTopoManagedSuffix: $SUFFIX
ipaLocation: idnsName=prague,cn=locations,cn=etc,$SUFFIX
ipaLocationWeight: 100
IPA commands affected by this feature#
When following commands are executed, resulting of that commands might result into a need to update location records
system records should be updated
system records should be updated only if location or weight have been changed
ipa-replica-manage del#
system records should be updated
system records should be updated
system records should be updated
system records should be updated, unused location records should be removed
permissions and privileges#
DNS Administrator privilege must have read and write access to locations
DNS Servers privilege must have read access to new container in cn=DNS subtree
New permissions#
System: Read IPA Locations: allows to read locations in location container
System: Add IPA Locations: allows to add new locations into locations container
System: Remove IPA Locations: allows to remove location from locations container
System: Modify IPA Locations: allows to modify locations in location container (just description)
System: Read Locations of IPA Servers: allows to read assigned location to server in masters container and weight attribute of server
System: Read Server Roles: allows to read which roles belong to IPA servers (this is needed for proper generation of DNS SRV records)
bind-dyndb-ldap’s feature Per-server configuration in LDAP describe which options from
should be migrated to LDAP tree during upgradeFor each upgraded server,
entry incn=masters
should be extended withipaConfigString
=dnsLocationsVersion 1
which will make it easy to check if particular server supports locations or not.
How to Test#
Install at least two IPA DNS servers
Create at least two locations:
ipa location-add loc1
ipa location-add loc2
Assign one or more FreeIPA servers to each location
Assign first FreeIPA DNS server to one location (must have non-empty set of servers)
ipa server-mod server1.example --location=loc1
Assign second FreeIPA DNS server to second location (must have non-empty set of servers)
ipa server-mod server2.example --location=loc2
Query SRV records from the first FreeIPA DNS server:
The answer must contain FreeIPA server assigned to first location with higher priority (smaller number) and the second server must have lower priority (higher number).
Test Plan#
SRV Records: RFC 2782
DNAME Records: RFC 6672
Some clients can be theoretically confused when ordinary query for
pointing to a location sub-tree. #Compatibility_tests suggest that this should be rare.↩︎_location.$HOSTNAME
domain can contain onlySRV
records for client’s realm. Consequently, clients which only query for_location.$HOSTNAME
does not have a way to find tailoredSRV
records from other realms.↩︎Clients from different realms will obtain tailored
records from “nearest” DNS server. This was tested with Microsoft AD 2008 R2, see #Compatibility_tests.↩︎Per client approach requires some mechanism which creates
record for every newA/AAAA
record created on the server. This does not sound as an easy task with a general-purpose DNS server.↩︎General-purpose DNS server can be manually configured with
records for sub-trees. Alternativelly these records can be dynamically updated by IPA framework.↩︎General-purpose DNS server can be manually configured with
records for each service name. Alternativelly these records can be dynamically updated by IPA framework.↩︎2 DNAME records per zone↩︎
Each service name requires one CNAME↩︎