
Password Vault 1.0 provides the initial implementation of Password Vault.


Secret is an information that should only be known by a limited number of people. IPA provides a mechanism to archive, retrieve, share, and recover secrets, and manage the access control. The secret itself will actually be stored securely in the KRA backend.

A secret is a binary data, so anything can be stored as a secret (e.g. password, PIN, private key), but there will be a limit imposed by the server. A secret ID is a unique name to identify a secret within a vault.

During archival, the client will generate a random session key and use it to encrypt the secret, then send both the encrypted secret and the session key wrapped with KRA’s transport public key to KRA. KRA will unwrap the session key with the transport private key, then use it to decrypt the secret. Then KRA will encrypt the secret with the storage key and store it in the LDAP backend.

During retrieval, the client will generate a random session key and send it to the server wrapped with KRA’s transport public key. KRA will decrypt the secret stored in the LDAP backend using the storage key, return the secret encrypted using the session key.


Vault is a secure place to store a secret. A vault may be privately owned by a user, a service, or shared. A user or service may own multiple vaults.

A vault is uniquely identified by its name within its container. See Container.

There are three types of vault which may offer additional level of security:

Standard Vault#

A standard vault will use the KRA’s standard transport and storage encryption as described above. Any authorized vault members, vault owners, or escrow officers can read and write the secrets without having to use a password/keys.

Symmetric Vault#

With symmetric vault the secrets are additionally protected with a symmetric key generated from a vault password. The client will encrypt secrets before sending them to the server and decrypt them after receiving them from the server. Any authorized vault members, vault owners, or escrow officers can read and write the secrets, but they will have to use a shared vault password.

Asymmetric Vault#

With asymmetric vault (drop box) the secrets are additionally protected with asymmetric keys. The client will archive the secrets using the public key, and retrieve using the private key. The public key is available to all vault members, but the private key is only available to vault owners. This way vault members can archive secrets, but only vault owners/escrow officers can retrieve them.


Container is a collection of vaults. There are several built-in containers:

  • service containers

  • shared container

  • user containers

Each user has a user container to store the user’s private vaults. The container is created automatically when the first private vault is created. When the user is removed, the container and its contents will be removed automatically.

The shared container is used to store vaults that can be shared by different users. Only the admins can create shared vaults.

Each service has a service container to store the service’s private vaults. The container is created automatically when the first private vault is created. When the service is removed, the container and its contents will be removed automatically.

Access Control#

The vault access control list allows the following operations:

  • Any user can create a private user container.

  • A container owner can manage vaults in the container.

  • A vault member can list, archive, and retrieve the secrets in a standard vault. With symmetric vault the member will need a vault password in order to archive and retrieve secrets. With asymmetric vault the member can only archive the secrets but not retrieve them since it only has the public key and not the private key.

  • A vault owner can list, archive, and retrieve the secrets like vault members, but it has the private key so it can retrieve secrets from asymmetric vault. The owner can also manage the list of members and owners of the vault, and change the vault password/keys.

  • An administrator can do everything except accessing the secrets in symmetric or asymmetric vaults and change/reset the password/keys.


First install IPA server:

$ ipa-server-install

Then install KRA component:

$ ipa-kra-install

Authenticate as an IPA user:

$ kinit testuser
Password for testuser@EXAMPLE.COM: ********

The vault is ready to use.

Vault Management#

Listing accessible vaults#

A user can search the vaults that it owns or it’s a member of using the following command:

$ ipa vault-find [OPTIONS]

By default the command will list the vaults in the private container:

$ ipa vault-find
1 entries found
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: Private vault
  Type: standard
Number of entries returned 1

To find service vaults, specify –service :

$ ipa vault-find --service HTTP/server.example.com
1 entries found
  Vault name: test
  Type: standard
Number of entries returned 1

To find shared vaults, specify -shared:

$ ipa vault-find --shared
1 entries found
  Vault name: test
  Type: standard
Number of entries returned 1

To find user vaults, specify –user :

$ ipa vault-find --user testuser
1 entries found
  Vault name: test
  Type: standard
Number of entries returned 1

Displaying vault info#

A user can view a particular vault info using the following command:

$ ipa vault-show <name> [OPTIONS]

To display the basic vault info:

$ ipa vault-show PrivateVault
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: Private vault
  Type: standard
  Salt: ....
  Owner users: admin

To display the complete vault info:

$ ipa vault-show PrivateVault --all
  dn: cn=PrivateVault,cn=admin,cn=users,cn=vaults,...
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: Private vault
  Type: standard
  Salt: ....
  Owner users: admin
  objectclass: top, ipaVault

Creating a new vault#

A container member can create a vault using the following command:

$ ipa vault-add <name> [OPTIONS]

Private vaults can be created by specifying a relative vault ID:

$ ipa vault-add PrivateVault --desc "Private vault"
Added vault "PrivateVault"
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: Private vault
  Type: standard

Shared vaults can be created by specifying –shared:

$ ipa vault-add SharedVault --desc "Shared vault" --shared
Added vault "SharedVault"
  Vault name: SharedVault
  Description: Shared vault
  Type: standard

Symmetric vaults can be created by specifying the type and the password. The password can be provided interactively, specified in the command option, or specified in a file.

$ ipa vault-add SymmetricVault --desc "Symmetric vault" --type symmetric
New password: ********
Verify password: ********
Added vault "SymmetricVault"
  Vault name: SymmetricVault
  Description: Symmetric vault
  Type: symmetric

$ ipa vault-add SymmetricVault --desc "Symmetric vault" --type symmetric --password mypassword
Added vault "SymmetricVault"
  Vault name: SymmetricVault
  Description: Symmetric vault
  Type: symmetric

$ ipa vault-add SymmetricVault --desc "Symmetric vault" --type symmetric -password-file password.txt
Added vault "SymmetricVault"
  Vault name: SymmetricVault
  Description: Symmetric vault
  Type: symmetric

Asymmetric vaults can be created by specifying the type and the public key:

$ ipa vault-add AsymmetricVault --desc "Asymmetric vault" --type asymmetric --public-key-file public.pem
Added vault "AsymmetricVault"
  Vault name: AsymmetricVault
  Description: Asymmetric vault
  Type: asymmetric

Archiving data#

A vault member/owner can archive data using the following command:

$ ipa vault-archive <name> [--in <input file> | --data <base-64 encoded data>] [OPTIONS]

With a standard vault the operation can be done directly.

$ ipa vault-archive StandardVault --data c2VjcmV0
Archived data into vault "StandardVault"
$ ipa vault-archive StandardVault --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "StandardVault"

With a symmetric vault the operation requires a password:

$ ipa vault-archive SymmetricVault --in secret.txt
Password: ********
Archived data into vault "SymmetricVault"

With an asymmetric vault the operation does not require anything since the vault public key is stored in one of vault attributes.

$ ipa vault-archive AsymmetricVault --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "AsymmetricVault"

Retrieving data#

A vault member/owner can be retrieve data using the following command:

$ ipa vault-retrieve <name> [--out <output file>] [OPTIONS]

With a standard vault the operation can be done directly.

$ ipa vault-retrieve StandardVault --out secret.txt
Retrieved data from vault "StandardVault"
$ ipa vault-retrieve StandardVault
Retrieved data from vault "StandardVault"
    Data: c2VjcmV0

With a symmetric vault the operation requires a password:

$ ipa vault-retrieve SymmetricVault --out secret.txt
Password: ********
Retrieved data from vault "SymmetricVault"

With an asymmetric vault the operation requires a private key:

$ ipa vault-retrieve AsymmetricVault --out secret.txt --private-key-file private.pem
Retrieved data from vault "AsymmetricVault"

Modifying a vault#

The vault owner can modify a vault using the following command:

$ ipa vault-mod <name> [OPTIONS]

For example, to change vault description:

$ ipa vault-show PrivateVault
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: Private vault
  Type: standard

$ ipa vault-mod PrivateVault --desc "This is a private vault"
Modified vault "PrivateVault"
  Vault name: PrivateVault
  Description: This is a private vault
  Type: standard

Changing vault password/keys#

To change the password of a symmetric vault execute the following commands (Note: In Password Vault 1.1 this process will be merged into a single command):

$ ipa vault-retrieve SymmetricVault --out secret.txt
Password: ********
Retrieved data from vault "SymmetricVault"

$ ipa vault-del SymmetricVault
Deleted vault "SymmetricVault"

$ ipa vault-add SymmetricVault --type symmetric
New Password: ********
Verify Password: ********
Added vault "SymmetricVault"
  Vault name: SymmetricVault
  Type: symmetric

$ ipa vault-archive SymmetricVault --in secret.txt
Password: ********
Archived data into vault "SymmetricVault"

To change the public/private keys of an asymmetric vault execute the following commands (Note: In Password Vault 1.1 this process will be merged into a single command):

$ ipa vault-retrieve AsymmetricVault --out secret.txt --private-key-file private.pem
Retrieved data from vault "AsymmetricVault"

$ ipa vault-del AsymmetricVault
Deleted vault "AsymmetricVault"

$ ipa vault-add AsymmetricVault --type asymmetric --public-key-file public.pem
Added vault "AsymmetricVault"
  Vault name: AsymmetricVault
  Type: asymmetric

$ ipa vault-archive AsymmetricVault --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "AsymmetricVault"

Removing a vault#

To remove a vault the owner can execute the following command:

$ ipa vault-del <name> [OPTIONS]

For example:

$ ipa vault-del PrivateVault
Deleted vault "PrivateVault"

Access Control#

Adding vault member#

A vault owner can add members to the vault with the following command:

$ ipa vault-add-member <name> [--users <list of users>] [--groups <list of groups>]

For example:

$ ipa vault-add-member MyVault --users testmember
Added members to "MyVault " vault

Removing vault member#

A vault owner can remove a member from the vault with the following command:

$ ipa vault-remove-member <name> [--users <list of users>] [--groups <list of groups>]

For example:

$ ipa vault-remove-member MyVault --users testmember
Removed members from "MyVault " vault

Adding vault owner#

An owner can add another owner to the vault with the following command:

$ ipa vault-add-owner <vault ID> [--users <list of users>] [--groups <list of groups>]

For example:

$ ipa vault-add-owner MyVault --users testowner
Added owners from "MyVault " vault

Removing vault owner#

An owner can remove another owner from the vault with the following command:

$ ipa vault-remove-owner <name> [--users <list of users>] [--groups <list of groups>]

For example:

$ ipa vault-remove-owner MyVault --users testowner
Removed owners from "MyVault " vault

Service Operations#

Creating service vault password#

A service administrator can create a service vault password by archiving a new secret into a private vault:

$ ipa vault-add http_password
Added vault "http_password"
  Vault name: http_password
  Type: standard
  Owner users: admin

$ ipa vault-archive http_password --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "http_password"

Provisioning service vault password for service instance#

A service administrator can provision the service vault password to a specific service instance using a service vault. To create a service vault, obtain the service public key, then execute the following command (Note: In the future the service public key will be retrieved automatically):

$ ipa vault-add <service vault name> --service <service name> --type asymmetric --public-key <service public key>

To copy the service vault password from the service administrator’s private vault into the service vault execute the following commands (Note: In Password Vault 1.1 this will be merged into a single command):

$ ipa vault-retrieve <private vault name> --out secret.txt
$ ipa vault-archive <service vault name> --service <service name> --in secret.txt

The commands will retrieve the service vault password already archived earlier, then encrypt it with the service instance’s public key. The public key will be obtained from the service certificate that’s already generated previously on the server.

For example:

$ ipa vault-add password --service HTTP/server.example.com --type asymmetric --public-key-file service-public.pem
Added vault "password"
  Vault name: password
  Type: asymmetric
  Public key: ...
  Owner users: admin

$ ipa vault-retrieve http_password --out secret.txt
Retrieved data from vault "http_password"

$ ipa vault-archive password --service HTTP/server.example.com --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "password"

Retrieving service vault password for service instance#

A service instance can retrieve the service vault password using the service private key stored locally:

$ kinit HTTP/server.example.com -k -t /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab

$ ipa vault-retrieve password --service HTTP/server.example.com --private-key-file service-private.pem --out secret.txt
Retrieved data from vault "password"

Changing service vault password#

The service administrator can change the service vault password by archiving a new secret:

$ ipa vault-archive http_password --in new_secret.txt
Archived data into vault "http_password"

The service administrator will need to re-provision the new service vault password to each service instance using the following command:

$ ipa vault-retrieve http_password --out secret.txt
Retrieved data from vault "http_password"

$ ipa vault-archive password --service HTTP/server.example.com --in secret.txt
Archived data into vault "password"

This way if there’s a compromised instance the service administrator can isolate it by changing the service vault password and re-provisioning it to non-compromised instances only.


The following command can be used to display vault configuration:

$ ipa vaultconfig-show
  Transport Certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

LDAP Directory#

Directory Structure#

The containers and vaults are represented as LDAP entries in a subtree in the IPA directory. The root container is represented by the root entry of the subtree. Sub-containers are represented by entries directly under the parent container. Vaults are represented by entries stored under the container.

+ cn=kra
   + cn=vaults
      + cn=users
         + cn=<username>
            + cn=<user vault name>
            + ...
      + cn=shared
         + cn=<shared vault name>
         + ...
      + cn=services
         + cn=<service name>
             + cn=<service vault name>
             + ...


Vault schema is defined in install/share/60basev3.ldif.

Attribute types:

attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaVaultType' DESC 'IPA vault type' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.2')
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaVaultSalt' DESC 'IPA vault salt' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.2' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaVaultPublicKey' DESC 'IPA vault public key' SUP ipaPublicKey X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.2' )

Object classes:

objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaVault' DESC 'IPA vault' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( description $ ipaVaultType $ ipaVaultSalt $ ipaVaultPublicKey $ owner $ member ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.2' )
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaVaultContainer' DESC 'IPA vault container' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( description $ owner ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.2' )

See also LDAP schema for PKCS#11 data.

Access Control List#

The LDAP ACI attributes are used to control the access to the LDAP entries representing the vaults and the containers. The secrets themselves are stored in KRA and accessed by IPA as KRA agent on behalf of IPA users. The IPA user’s access to the secrets will be determined by IPA framework based on the user’s membership or ownership of the vaults and containers, not by LDAP ACI.

The ACI attributes are defined in the root entry of the vault subtree in install/share/vault.update:

dn: cn=kra,$SUFFIX

dn: cn=vaults,cn=kra,$SUFFIX

# Vault Container ACLs
aci: (target="ldap:///cn=*,cn=users,cn=vaults,<suffix>")
  (version 3.0; acl "Allow users to create private container";
   allow (add) userdn = "ldap:///uid=($attr.cn),cn=users,cn=accounts,$SUFFIX";)

# Vault ACLs
aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Container owners can manage vaults in the container";
   allow(read, search, compare, add, delete) userattr="parent[1].owner#USERDN";)
aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Indirect container owners can manage vaults in the container";
   allow(read, search, compare, add, delete) userattr="parent[1].owner#GROUPDN";)

aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Vault members can access the vault";
   allow(read, search, compare) userattr="member#USERDN";)
aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Indirect vault members can access the vault";
   allow(read, search, compare) userattr="member#GROUPDN";)

aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Vault owners can manage the vault";
   allow(read, search, compare, write) userattr="owner#USERDN";)
aci: (targetfilter="(objectClass=ipaVault)")
  (version 3.0; acl "Indirect vault owners can manage the vault";
   allow(read, search, compare, write) userattr="owner#GROUPDN";)


See Demo.


  • Fixed KRA backend (pushed).

  • Modified NSSConnection not to shutdown existing database (pushed).

  • Added vault plugin (pushed). This implements section 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7.

  • Added vault archive and vault retrieve commands (pushed). This implements section 3.4, 3.5, and 5.

  • Moved vaults to cn=vaults,cn=kra (pushed).

  • Fixed ipa-kra-install (pushed).

  • Added symmetric and asymmetric vaults (pushed). This implements section 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 and adds python-cryptography dependency.

  • Added ipaVaultPublicKey attribute. (pushed).

  • Added vault access control. (pushed). This implements section 4.

Test Plan#
