Highlights in version 1.8.2
- SIDs are always generated for server and replica deployments
- Random Serial Numbers are not enabled by default any more
- Fixes comparison of bool values in IPA 4.9.10+ for ipadnsconfig
- Fixes issue with using an IP address for the server in client deployments
Changes since 1.8.1
- ipaclient: Removed invalid call
(#867) - ipaserver/ipareplica: Always generate SIDs (#866)
- ipaserver,ipareplica: Fix Random Serial Numbers always enabled (#864)
- ipadnsconfig: Fix boolean values comparison (#863)
- ansible_freeipa_module: Use ipaplatform.tasks.parse_ipa_version (#859)
- upstream CI: enable tests on Fedora Rawide. (#854)
- Allow use of podman instead of docker (#850)
Detailed changelog since 1.8.1 by author
3 authors, 10 commits
Rafael Guterres Jeffman (6)
- ipadnsconfig: Disable only tests that are failing due to python-dns
- ipadnsconfig: Separate tests for forwarders with custom ports.
- ipadnsconfig: Enable chech_mode support
- ipadnsconfig: Fixe comparison of bool values in IPA 4.9.10+
- Allow use of podman instead of docker
- upstream CI: enable tests on Fedora Rawide.
Thomas Woerner (3)
- ipaserver/ipareplica: Always generate SIDs
- ipaserver,ipareplica: Fix Random Serial Numbers always enabled
- ansible_freeipa_module: Use ipaplatform.tasks.parse_ipa_version
jpclipffel (1)
- ipaclient: Removed invalid call
Information at GitHub
- Release: 1.8.2
- Tarball: ansible-freeipa-1.8.2.tar.gz