

Some useful links:

  • Net::IPA

Perl 5 interface of the FreeIPA JSON-RPC API
This library is going to be deprecaded and replaced by Net::FreeIPA.
`https://github.com/NickCis/perl-Net-IPA`` <https://github.com/NickCis/perl-Net-IPA>`__
  • p5-net-freeipa

Perl5 NET::FreeIPA (FreeIPA 4.2+ JSON API)
`https://github.com/stdweird/p5-net-freeipa`` <https://github.com/stdweird/p5-net-freeipa>`__

`https://vda.li/en/posts/2016/11/02/FreeIPA-JSON-RPC-API-article/`` <https://vda.li/en/posts/2016/11/02/FreeIPA-JSON-RPC-API-article/>`__
`https://vda.li/en/docs/freeipa-management-in-a-nutshell/`` <https://vda.li/en/docs/freeipa-management-in-a-nutshell/>`__
`https://vda.li/en/posts/2015/05/28/talking-to-freeipa-api-with-sessions/`` <https://vda.li/en/posts/2015/05/28/talking-to-freeipa-api-with-sessions/>`__
  • Red Hat article on the API

`` \ ```https://access.redhat.com/articles/2728021 <https://access.redhat.com/articles/2728021>`__

  • attachment to this post shows how simple user/password auth works:

`https://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-users/2015-November/msg00132.html <https://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-users/2015-November/msg00132.html>`__

  • python-freeipa-json

Tiny/basic module for communicating with the FreeIPA API without having to install their entire toolchain
`https://github.com/nordnet/python-freeipa-json`` <https://github.com/nordnet/python-freeipa-json>`__

Example API perl script

# Created by GG -- 20180306
# Version 1.0
# GPLv3
# this script adds a new entry to IPA DNS and creates a host object with otp for registration
# for our automatic deployments, after this the machine gets created in vmware, kickstarted and provisioned

use strict;
use REST::Client;
use JSON;
use ``\ ```Data::Dumper`` <Data::Dumper>`__\ ``;

# IPA server data
my $ipaserver="``\ ```https://ipa.yourdomain.com`` <https://ipa.yourdomain.com>`__\ ``";
my $ipausername="ipauser";
my $ipapassword="ipapassword";

## parameters for the entries to create
my $newhostname="newhost-01";
my $newdomain="yourdomain.com";
my $newip="";
# We use a one time password in our scripts to register machines on firstboot
my $newotp="OneTimePassword";
## end parameters

create_ipa_entries($newhostname, $newdomain, $newip, $newotp, $ipaserver, $ipausername, $ipapassword);

sub create_ipa_entries {

  my ($hostname,$domain,$ip,$otp,$server,$username,$password) = @_;

  # this is the apiversion of the IPA server
  # this should only be changed if we are sure future versions support this syntax
  my $apiversion="2.213";

  my $fqdn=$hostname . "." . $domain;
  my $uri = URI->new($server);

  my $authheader= {
  'Accept' => 'text/plain',
  'referer' => $server . "/ipa",
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

  my $jsonheader= {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'referer' => $server . "/ipa",
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

  my $authbody = {
  'user' => $username,
  'password' => $password,

  # see FreeIPA api dnsrecord_add
  my $dnsadd = {
      "method" => "dnsrecord_add",
      "params" => [
                  "__dns_name__" => $hostname
              "a_extra_create_reverse" => "true",
              "a_part_ip_address" => $ip,
              "version" => $apiversion
      "id" => 0

  # see FreeIPA api host_add
  my $hostadd = {
      "method" => "host_add",
      "params" => [
              "userpassword" => $otp,
          "version" => $apiversion
      "id" => 0

  # create useragent with cookie support
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => {} );
  my $client = REST::Client->new( { useragent => $ua } );

  # login with user / password and get a session cookie
  my $params = $client->buildQuery($authbody);
  $client->POST("/ipa/session/login_password", substr($params, 1), $authheader);
  #print Dumper $client->responseHeader('Set-Cookie');
  if ($client->responseContent()) {
    print "IPA authentication error\n";
    # the output underneath is html formatted but I don't want to parse it here
    # so quick and dirty raw output
    print Dumper $client->responseContent();
    exit 1;
  else {
    print "IPA auth ok\n";

  # add host to DNS
  $client->POST("/ipa/session/json", encode_json($dnsadd), $jsonheader);
  #print Dumper $client->responseContent();
  my $result = decode_json($client->responseContent());
  if ($result->{"error"}{"code"}) {
    print "ERROR: ". $result->{"error"}{"code"} . " " . $result->{"error"}{"name"} . "\n";
    print $result->{"error"}{"message"} . "\n";
    exit 1;
  else {
    print "dns entry " . $fqdn . " with ip address " . $ip . " created in IPA\n";

  # create host object in IPA and set otp
  $client->POST("/ipa/session/json", encode_json($hostadd), $jsonheader);
  #print Dumper $client->responseContent();
  my $result = decode_json($client->responseContent());
  if ($result->{"error"}{"code"}) {
    print "ERROR: ". $result->{"error"}{"code"} . " " . $result->{"error"}{"name"} . "\n";
    print $result->{"error"}{"message"} . "\n";
    exit 1;
  else {
    print "host object " . $fqdn . " with otp " . $otp . " created in IPA\n";