

Inspecting the PAC#

The PAC is a part of a Kerberos ticket, the so called Authorization Data. For more details see:

In general the PAC is processed by applications like Samba or SSSD to retrieve information about the authenticated user and e.g. assign access rights or group memberships. Since the PAC is buried NDR encoded inside the encrypted part of the Kerberos ticket it is not easy for a user to access it and inspect the content.

Luckily there is a largely unknown tool in the Samba treasure chest called net ads kerberos pac. It was originally developed with only the Samba use case in mind because at that time there was only Samba using the PAC.

AD client#

By default net ads kerberos pac tries to get a Kerberos service ticket for the local host (HOSTNAME$@AD.DOMAIN) for an AD user given by -U username. The keys needed to encrypt the PAC are the Kerberos host keys which means that the user calling net ads kerberos pac. must have access to the host keytab. Typically this is only the root user.

If the Linux client is joined to the AD domain with Samba/Winbind you can call:

# net ads kerberos pac dump -U tu1
Enter tu1's password:
The Pac:     info: struct PAC_LOGON_INFO
        info3: struct netr_SamInfo3
            base: struct netr_SamBaseInfo

If SSSD is used to connect to the AD domain and no Samba configuration file smb.conf is available you have to give two addition options:

# net ads kerberos pac dump --option='realm = AD.DOMAIN' --option='kerberos method = system keytab' -U tu1
Enter tu1's password:
The Pac:     info: struct PAC_LOGON_INFO
        info3: struct netr_SamInfo3
            base: struct netr_SamBaseInfo

The restriction to the hardcoded service name (HOSTNAME$@AD.DOMAIN) made it hard to use this tool in other environments. But recently Samba Team member Günther Deschner enhanced the tool and opened it for other use cases.

FreeIPA client#

A client enrolled to a FreeIPA server has a host keytab as well but the AD-style HOSTNAME$@KRB.REALM host principals are not available. With the recent enhancements to net ads kerberos pac an alternative service principal can be given which makes it possible to use it with FreeIPA as well.

net ads kerberos pac dump [impersonate=string] [local_service=string] [pac_buffer_type=int]
    Dump the Kerberos PAC

You can call

net ads kerberos pac dump --option='realm = IPA.DOMAIN' --option='kerberos method = system keytab' -s /dev/null local_service=host/ipa-client.ipa.domain@IPA.DOMAIN -U ipa_user
Enter ipa_user's password:
The Pac:     pac_data_ctr->pac_data: struct PAC_DATA
        num_buffers              : 0x00000004 (4)
        version                  : 0x00000000 (0)
        buffers: ARRAY(4)
            buffers: struct PAC_BUFFER
                type                     : PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO (1)
              0x000001c8 (456)
                info                     : *
                    info                     : union PAC_INFO(case 1)

This is basically the same scheme as for the SSSD AD client example above with the exception of the -s /dev/null option. You can drop this option if there is no Samba configuration on your system, e.g. on a typical FreeIPA client. However, on FreeIPA server with Trusts configured ipa-adtrust-install creates a Samba configuration which might have unexpected side effects and -s /dev/null will start net ads kerberos pac with an empty Samba configuration.

As you can see the new version not only prints LOGON_INFO buffer but all buffers and tries to decode as much as possible. The new version also provides additionally to the dump option a save option. This is useful if you need a real PAC blob to test PAC processing in unit tests. If you have to decode the binary PAC later you can use the ndrdump utility form the samba-test package

# ndrdump krb5pac decode_pac in /tmp/pac.bla
pull returned NT_STATUS_OK
    decode_pac: struct decode_pac
        in: struct decode_pac
            pac: struct PAC_DATA
                num_buffers              : 0x00000004 (4)
                version                  : 0x00000000 (0)
                buffers: ARRAY(4)
                    buffers: struct PAC_BUFFER
                        type                     : PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO (1)
                      0x000001c8 (456)
                        info                     : *
                            info                     : union PAC_INFO(case 1)
                            logon_info: struct PAC_LOGON_INFO_CTR

If you want to use a different Kerberos service where the keys are not stored in the host keytab you can use the following options:

net ads kerberos pac dump --option='realm = IPA.DOMAIN' --option='kerberos method = dedicated keytab' --option='dedicated keytab file = FILE:/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab' -s /dev/zero local_service=ldap/ipa-server.ipa.domain@IPA.DOMAIN -U admin