

This page present a summary of proposed and acknowledged design for FreeIPA DNS module.


There are many structured DNS RR types where DNS data is not just a scalar value, for example an IP address or a domain name, but a data structure which may be often complex. A good example is a LOC record [RFC1876] which consist of many mandatory and optional parts (degrees, minutes, seconds of latitude and longtitude, altitude or precision). This is an example of adding a LOC DNS record:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @ --loc-rec "49 11 42.4 N 16 36 29.6 E 227.64m"

It may be difficult to enter such DNS records to FreeIPA without making an error which would lead in errors in bind-dyndb-ldap plugin which process data from LDAP and passes them to BIND DNS server.

The new API shall present a convenient way to enter there record for user without an obligation to know and apply all RFCs specifying DNS RR types format.


IPA v3.0 will follow these steps to improve working with all these complex steps

1. New per-type structured API#

  • New API shall be implemented for all supported resource record types

    • It will take form of new options. Every part of DNS RR which will be set separately shall have its own option. For example, MX record have 2 parts: PREFERENCE and EXCHANGER. I.e. there should be 2 new options which can be used to create/modify MX record: –mx-preference and –mx-exchanger

    • The list of all new options can be retrieved using standard –help option of chosen command

  • New API shall be integrated to current commands for dnsrecord manipulation. That is:

    • dnsrecord-show

    • dnsrecord-add

    • dnsrecord-mod

    • dnsrecord-del

  • All these commands should have a new interactive mode which should help with record manipulation. The interactive mode shall be started when the dnsrecord command is executed with no option.

  • DNSSEC RR types: DS, KEY, NSEC, RRSIG, SIG. These are not meant to be set manually and will be generated automatically in the future.

  • Unsupported RR types shall be removed from CLI at all: APL, DHCID, DLV, DNSKEY, HIP, IPSECKEY, NSEC3, NSEC3PARAM, RP, TA, TKEY, TSIG

  • The new API shall be implemented for both structured DNS RR types but also DNS RR types with scalar values to provide a base for other RR type related functionality. A good example may be a generation of IPv6 address from MAC:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com client1 --aaaa-from-mac=00:1D:BA:06:37:64

dnsrecord-add command#

New per-type options can be used to add DNS RR, each part separately. When any new option for a DNS RR type is detected, the command assumes that the new API is used and all required DNS RR type options have to be passed.

Adding of MX record using a standard ADD operation:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @ --mx-rec="0 server1.example.com."
  Record name: example.com
  MX record: 0 server1.example.com.
  NS record: ns.example.com.

Adding MX record using new API:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @ --mx-preference=0 --mx-exchanger= server1.example.com.
  Record name: example.com
  MX record: 0 server1.example.com.
  NS record: ns.example.com.

Adding MX record using new interactive help:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @
Please choose a type of DNS resource record to be added
The most common types for this type of zone are: NS, MX, LOC

dnsrecord-mod command#

The command should offer an easy way to modify only specific part(s) of a DNS record. It shall operate in 2 modes:

  • An old mode when just a new set of DNS RRs is passed, e.g.

ipa dnsrecord-mod example.com @ --mx-rec="0 server1.example.com.","1 server2.example.com."

  • A new mode where a specified DNS RR will be updated (per-part). This mode shall be triggered when any of the new option is passed. In this case, the old —rec will serve just as a pointer to the modified record:

ipa dnsrecord-mod example.com @ --mx-rec="1 server2.example.com." --mx-preference=2

A full example of old-style record modification:

ipa dnsrecord-mod example.com @ --mx-rec="0 server1.example.com.","1 server2.example.com."
  Record name: example.com
  MX record: 0 server1.example.com., 1 server2.example.com.
  NS record: ns.example.com.

A full example of a modification using the new API:

ipa dnsrecord-mod example.com @ --mx-rec="1 server2.example.com." --mx-preference=2
  Record name: example.com
  MX record: 0 server1.example.com., 2 server2.example.com.
  NS record: ns.example.com.

An example of new interactive mode:

ipa dnsrecord-mod example.com @
No option to modify specific record provided.
Current DNS record contents:
MX record: 0 server1.example.com., 2 server2.example.com.
NS record: ns.example.com.
Modify MX record '0 server1.example.com.'? Yes/No (default No):
Modify MX record '2 server2.example.com.'? Yes/No (default No): y
MX Preference [2]: 3
MX Exchanger [server2.example.com.]:
Modify NS record 'ns.example.com.'? Yes/No (default No):
  Record name: example.com
  MX record: 0 server1.example.com., 3 server2.example.com.
  NS record: ns.example.com.

dnsrecord-del command#

Neither API nor the interactive mode need to be changed.

Improved output#

A new option –structured has been implemented which can be useful for displaying more complex records:

ipa dnsrecord-show example.com @ --structured
  Record name: @
    Record type: MX
    Record data: 0 server1.example.com.
    MX Preference: 0
    MX Exchanger: server1.example.com.
Record type: MX
Record data: 3 server2.example.com.
MX Preference: 3
MX Exchanger: server2.example.com.
Record type: NS
Record data: ns.example.com.
NS Hostname: ns.example.com.

The output then shows all record in a structured format including the record type, raw DNS record data and an attribute for every part of the DNS record.

2. Improved validation#

DNS record validation should be improved so that most common user errors are detected and reported by IPA client and by bind-dyndb-ldap plugin failing to serve the record.

A better help with a pointer to further information (RFC) should be produced when validation fails:

ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @ --mx-rec=BADRECORD
ipa: ERROR: invalid 'mx_rec': format must be specified as "PREFERENCE EXCHANGER"  (see RFC 1035 for details)
ipa dnsrecord-add example.com @ --loc-rec=BADRECORD
ipa: ERROR: invalid 'loc_rec': format must be specified as
    "d1 [m1 [s1]] {"N"|"S"}  d2 [m2 [s2]] {"E"|"W"} alt["m"] [siz["m"] [hp["m"] [vp["m"]]]]"
       d1:     [0 .. 90]            (degrees latitude)
       d2:     [0 .. 180]           (degrees longitude)
       m1, m2: [0 .. 59]            (minutes latitude/longitude)
       s1, s2: [0 .. 59.999]        (seconds latitude/longitude)
       alt:    [-100000.00 .. 42849672.95] BY .01 (altitude in meters)
       siz, hp, vp: [0 .. 90000000.00] (size/precision in meters)
    See RFC 1876 for details