The original CA integration didn’t specify a mechanism to search for existing certificates. It only specified a way to retrieve a single cert based on serial number.
This RFE is being worked as https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2528
Use Cases#
The pki cert-find output can be used to compare the output against the ipa cert-find output. They should be the same with only formatting differences.
Bare find: return all certificates
Short subject: search certs by short hostname. Using the IPA server hostname should return > 1
Exact subject: search certs by short hostname and –exactly set. Should return nothing
Exact subject: search certs by FQDN and –exactly set. Should return correct list
Using the full list as a starting point, try to bisect the list by serial number to be sure that the limits are applied
Revoke a certificate then search by revocation reason.
Search for invalid revocation reasons (letters, > 10)
Search for unused revocation reasons, should return nothing
Search by notbefore/notafter dates
Search by issuedon dates
One thing explicitly not done is comparing begin and end dates when searching. This is left as an exercise for the user.
Dogtag capabilities#
This will be implemented in dogtag 10+ only, and using only the new RESTful interface.
The interface provides 32 different search options:
certTypeSecureEmail <on|off> : Certifiate Type: Secure Email
certTypeSSLClient <on|off> : Certifiate Type: SSL Client
certTypeSSLServer <on|off> : Certifiate Type: SSL Server
certTypeSubEmailCA <on|off> : Certifiate type: Subject Email CA
certTypeSubSSLCA <on|off> : Certificate type: Subject SSL CA
country : Subject’s country
email : Subject’s email address
input : File containing the search constraints
issuedBy : Issued by
issuedOn : Date issued
locality : Subject’s locality
matchExactly : Match exactly with the details provided
maxSerialNumber : Maximum serial number
minSerialNumber : Minimum serial number
name : Subject’s common name
org : Subject’s organization
orgUnit : Subject’s organization unit
revocationReason : Reason for revocation
revokedBy : Certificate revoked by
revokedOnFrom : Revoked on or after this date
revokedOnTo : Revoked on or before this date
size : Page size
start : Page start
state : Subject’s state
uid : Subject’s userid
validityCount : Validity count
validityOperation : Validity operation: “<=” or “>=”
validityUnit : Validity unit
validNotAfterFrom : Valid not after start date
validNotAfterTo : Valid not after end date
validNotBeforeFrom : Valid not before start date
validNotBeforeTo : Valid not before end date
What IPA will provide#
Serial number range (min/max/none)
Issued On
revoked certificates
valid not after from
valid not after to
valid not before from
valid not before to
Some of these can be overlapping, for example you can search for a revoked certificate for a given host within a serial number range.
In the initial implementation and to save cycles we’ll just display what dogtag returns:
Serial Number (dec and hex)
Subject DN
In order to display more details we’d need to look up each serial number one at a time which would be agonizingly slow.
Like all IPA commands, a bare find command should return all certificates. In this case we have no control over the search limit. We may still want to impose a limit on the amount of data returned to the client.
Access Control#
Issued certificates are considered public so no additional roles/permissions are planned. As with other commands one will need to be an authenticated IPA user to execute the command.
The interface is available internally on port 8080 which is not a port we advertise as needing to be open generally.
Dogtag details#
There is a command-line tool, pki, which seems modeled on the ipa tool. The cert-find command is what we’re interested in.
The interface is not currently documented but it is easy to snoop on the request using ssltap.
In order to make a request, POST to /ca/rest/certs/search
The content of the request is XML, as is the content of the response.
I snooped using two terminals.
terminal 1: ssltap localhost:8080
terminal 2: pki cert-find -p 1924
The requests are made and received in XML.
There are a series of boolean elements that control how the search is done, in addition to optional extra elements depending on what you are searching for (subject, revocation reason, etc).
Current bugs#
Date parsing is broken. https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/416 Certificate dates are not returned in find output. https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/498
Any additional requirements or changes discovered during the implementation phase.
Feature Management#
The UI should be similar to the command line. It is unclear how date formatting will be handled but bare text boxes would be usable for a first attempt.
Unlike other object-find pages there are some additional ways of narrowing down the terms, by adding dates, serial numbers, etc. The searchs are all AND, there is no way to do an OR (limitation of CS).
Overview of the CLI commands
Major configuration options and enablement#
Nothing beyond cert-find. Command only works with dogtag CA backend.
Updates and Upgrades#
Date parsing works in current dogtag 10 in F-18, but output currently limited by ticket #498.
External Impact#
As more certificate types are added this can easily be extended to search for those types without impacting backwards compatibility. It seems like overkill to do that now.