


When a provisioning system like Foreman, Spacewalk or other creates a host or a user provisioning system provisions a user it should be able to automatically drive the placement of user or host into the right groups and creation of the right policies. This integration can be done by making the provisioning system aware of the specific group structure and policy management in IPA however in reality this is impractical. It would be better if the provisioning system can mark (put a tag) on the entry it creates and then IPA (though its DS plugins) would do the rest based on the specific placement policies defined in the deployment.

The idea is that a single entry should be created and a special attribute would be set at the creation time by the provisioning system. IPA would be configured to look at this attribute and build the appropriate groups structure using automembership plugin. In future other plugins can be created to look at this attribute and perform other operations as needed.

Use Cases#

Provisioning system calls:

ipa host-add ... --some-attribute=somevalue


ipa user-add ... --some-attribute=somevalue

and the host or user is placed int other the right groups based on the automembership plugin configuration. The configuration of the automembership plugin as well as the creation of the specific group structure is outside of the scope of the current design and should be treated as deployment specific. However procedures of making the solution work from end to are welcome and can be added to How To section.


New schema#

There is already a standard userClass attribute that can be used exactly for this purpose:

attributeTypes: ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.8 NAME 'userClass'  EQUALITY caseIgn
 oreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX
 5{256} X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4524' )

Add the attribute to MAY list of ipaHost object class available on all hosts.


  • Schema will be added to the initial deployment

  • Schema will be augmented at upgrade time

Feature Management#


There is no UI exposure other than userClass attribute should be visible and selectable in the automember management UI. (not done in initial implementation, link to ticket)


Host-add and user-add (not done in initial implementation, link to ticket) commands would accept a new optional attribute --class.

Major configuration options and enablement#

Any configuration options? No

Any commands to enable/disable the feature or turn on/off its parts? No


Any impact on replication? No

Updates and Upgrades#

Any impact on updates and upgrades? Yes, new schema should be added on upgrades


Any new package and library dependencies. No

External Impact#

Impact on other development teams and components. Yes, this feature allows a better integration with the external provisioning systems

RFE Author#
