IPA uses the Kerberos S4U2Proxy feature to allow the web server framework to obtain an ldap service ticket on the user’s behalf. Similarly, it is also used by the trust system to obtain a cifs principal. This eliminates the need for the user to delegate their full TGT.
The access control for these rules is controlled by several LDAP entries contained in cn=s4u2proxy,cn=etc,$SUFFIX. Rules define what principals can obtain service tickets for which other services, and optionally for which subset of users. Targets define the list of services that may be delegated.
Use Cases#
Delegation of obtaining an ldap service principal for the HTTP service. Two entries are required:
The first is a rule which defines the ACL:
dn: cn=ipa-http-delegation,...
objectClass: ipaKrb5DelegationACL
objectClass: groupOfPrincipals
cn: ipa-http-delegation
memberPrincipal: HTTP/
ipaAllowedTarget: cn=ipa-ldap-delegation-targets,...
The second is a target of this rule which defines which principals may be obtained:
dn: cn=ipa-ldap-delegation-targets,...
objectClass: groupOfPrincipals
cn: ipa-ldap-delegation-targets
memberPrincipal: ldap/
Both types of entries contain members in the form of memberPrincipal. In the case of a rule these are the members that the rule applies to. In the case of a target the members are the targets of the delegation. In this case the rule has a member of HTTP/ and a rule with a member of ldap/ which means that the HTTP principal can obtain an ldap service ticket on behalf of the bound user.
The tricky bit here is that all entries are stored in the same container and the only real distinguishing feature between a rule and a target is the objectClass ipaKrb5DelegationACL.
A rule will have these objectClasses: top, groupOfPrincipals, ipaKrb5DelegationACL.
A target will have these objectClasses: top, groupOfPrincipals.
This is only an issue when doing a find for targets because it will also find rules. A new filter will need to be prepared to exclude ipaKrb5DelegationACL.
Several entries may not be removed but need to be user-modifiable. This could still result in an unusable system. The entries are ipa-http-delegation, ipa-ldap-delegation-targets and ipa-cifs-delegation-targets.
Some major methods of the standard LDAPAddMember and LDAPRemoveMember classes need to be overridden since memberPrincipal is not a DN, nor should it be. One reason is that the principal may not necessarily be local so there may not be a DN to reference. There are also performance reasons within the kdb code.
These built-in add/remove methods assume, and require via asserts, that all members be a DN. get_member_dns() will need to ignore any memberPrincipal values and return only the DN-based values when adding targets to rules to let the standard mechanics of LDAP*Member do their work.
In order to handle the memberPrinicpal values a post_callback() is required. This also means that there will be at worst two writes per membership update. Given that this feature is not expected to be frequently used then speed and efficiency are not a factor.
Similarly, we need to enforce that only a target is a member of a rule, and not another rule. That would be an undefined relationship. To do this each member will need to be retrieved and evaluated before adding as a member.
A referential integrity rule will be needed for ipaallowedtarget.
A referential integrity rule is needed, but is not possible, for memberPrincipal. It is not possible because it is a DN. This adds the potential to have dangling pointers.
The ACL system also provides a means of limiting which user’s a ticket may be obtained for using the ipaAllowToImpersonate attribute. This is not implemented.
Feature Management#
Overview of the CLI commands.
Command |
Options |
servicedelegationrule-add RULE |
servicedelegationrule-find |
servicedelegationrule-del RULE |
servicedelegationrule-add-member |
–principals={PRINC,PRINC2} |
servicedelegationrule-remove-member |
–principals={PRINC,PRINC2} |
servicedelegationrule-add-target |
–targets={TARGET,TARGET2} |
servicedelegationrule-remove-target |
–targets= {TARGET,TARGET2} |
servicedelegationtarget-add TARGET |
servicedelegationtarget-find |
servicedelegationtarget-del TARGET |
servicedelegationtarget-add_member TARGET |
–principals={PRINC,PRINC2} |
servicedelegationtarget-remove_member TARGET |
–principals={PRINC,PRINC2} |
How to Test#
Simple test to create a couple of principals, a constraint rule, then fetch a ticket on behalf of a user for one of the principals.
NOTE: This uses kvno which requires S4U2Self to operate for some reason, hence having to use +ok_to_auth_as_delegate. Whatever you do, DON’T do this in production.
Become admin:
# kinit admin
Create the service for the rule and allow it to impersonate users: [NOTE: DO NOT DO THIS IN PRODUCTION, this allows the ‘test’ service to impersonate *any* user to itself and then by proxy to the target services]
# ipa service-add test/ --force
# kadmin.local
kadmin.local: modprinc +ok_to_auth_as_delegate test/
Create the second service:
# ipa service-add test2/ --force
Get keytabs for these services:
# ipa-getkeytab -s -k /tmp/test.keytab -p test/
# ipa-getkeytab -s -k /tmp/test2.keytab -p test2/
Show that we can’t do delegation yet:
# kdestroy -A
# kinit -kt /tmp/test.keytab test/
# kvno -k /tmp/test.keytab -U admin -P test/ test2/
kvno: KDC returned error string: NOT_ALLOWED_TO_DELEGATE test2/ constrained delegation failed
Add the service constraint delegation:
# kdestroy -A
# kinit admin
# ipa servicedelegationrule-add test
# ipa servicedelegationtarget-add target-test
# ipa servicedelegationrule-add-target --servicedelegationtargets=target-test test
# ipa servicedelegationrule-add-member --principals test/ test
# ipa servicedelegationtarget-add-member --principals=test2/ target-test
Now try again:
# kdestroy -A
# kinit -kt /tmp/test.keytab test/
# kvno -k /tmp/test.keytab -U admin -P test/ test2/
test/ kvno = 2, keytab entry valid
test2/ kvno = 2, keytab entry valid
Test Plan#