

FreeIPA is currently missing any temporal settings in the HBAC rules. However, handling access to a host in repeating time periods might be a desirable feature. The administrator of a certain environment should be able to set the time a host should be accessed in either the host local time, a certain time zone time or in UTC. Host-local-time policies would allow to adapt the time a host can be accessed to the host’s movement along different time zones. A time bound to a certain time zone is more transparent than local time as it doesn’t change with the host travelling. Sometimes, it may also be appropriate to set time in UTC. This is rather strict setting that does not reflect daylight saving time.

Use Cases#

A host or service should only be accessed at certain times given by a certain time zone. This access is repeated in a way, such as three times a week the same time every other month.


The time based account policies are an extension mostly to the current HBAC rule plugin. As the time rules may find use somewhere else in the system (Sudo rules, for example), they should be designed with that in mind.

Time Scenarios#

This extension is based on the iCalendar format. It therefore understands time in three different views. These are: host local time, time at a certain time zone, and UTC.

Host Local Time#

Host local time approach is meant for those hosts that are most likely to be found across different time zones and for some reason it’s important that the time they can be accessed reflects their current position. This helps creating only a single HBAC rule instead of multiple when only time zone or UTC rules would apply. The time of a host is counted using the /etc/localtime information of the certain host. Testing such a rule (in HBAC Test) requires the tester to specify a certain time zone the rule would be tested against. It’s important to note that this type of policy may bring some unexpected behavior as host may appear in different time zones, or in case of a hostgroup there could be hosts from multiple different time zones, and administrator should be very sure they want to use this.

Time Zones#

In this approach, the time is thought of as of a time at a certain time zone. This might be appropriate when the time settings should reflect a certain time zone, e.g. the host or the users connecting to it are to be found in that certain time zone. The time conversion between host and user time zones is calculated by the libical library. Daylight saving time is taken into account.


Sometimes the rules should apply for a certain time that is the same for the whole globe throughout the year. That’s why UTC is also supported.


Time Policies Storage#

It should be possible to create time rule objects so that the same time rule could be referenced by other LDAP objects (at least by HBAC Rule objects for a start). Therefore, a new container for these objects with its own permissions should be created. The default permissions to access this container should be set to the administrators of the objects that will have access to the time rules.

The time rule object is a simple object with cn, description, accesstime and memberof attributes. In cn, the name of the object is stored, the single-valued accesstime stores the iCalendar string that describes the time periods the rule applies to, and memberof is the common attribute for handling n <-> n relationships.

The change to the schema looks like this:

objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaTimeRule' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ accessTime ) MAY ( memberOf $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4')

Also, there need to be changes to the directory structure:

dn: cn=timerules,$SUFFIX
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsContainer
cn: timerules

HBAC Rule LDAP object changes#

There is a slight change to how HBAC rules are stored. To be able to handle backward compatibility more easily, a new object called ipaHBACRulev2 is introduced. This object has the same attributes as the old ipaHBACRule object with the addition of a memberTimeRule attribute. The creation of ipaHBACRulev2 should be helpful for additional changes to the HBAC rule LDAP object in near future (e.g. http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/URI-based_HBAC). It will also cause that the older clients won’t list these new objects as HBAC rules which means these rules automatically don’t apply for these older clients.

Upon addition of a time rule to an HBAC rule, the HBAC rule’s objectClass switches to the new ipaHBACRulev2, when there are no time rules present it switches back.

The new schema for the new HBAC Rule type:

attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaMemberTimeRule' DESC 'Reference to a time rule describing some period of time' SUP distinguishedName EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaHBACRuleV2' SUP ipaAssociation STRUCTURAL MAY ( serviceCategory $ memberService $ externalHost  $ ipaMemberTimeRule ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.4' )

iCalendar strings restrictions#

The iCalendar standard format is very rich in features and allows extensibility. As such, the available parsers (python-icalendar, libical) don’t do much of a strict parsing and it seems neither sane nor advisable to try and introduce strict parsing for any iCalendar string in FreeIPA/SSSD.

Instead of controlling the whole string, the server-side should do strict parsing of at least the VCALENDAR and VEVENT iCalendar components for the input iCalendar files, ignoring format correctness of the rest. The client side should just obtain the VEVENT components from a received iCalendar string, get values of the properties required for proper evaluation and check whether these meet the requirements for correct evaluation.

Furthermore, for the first version, we make additional restrictions. The iCalendar strings stored on server side should strictly only contain one VEVENT component in the root VCALENDAR component. The only supported properties of this VEVENT component are:






These restrictions exist for the feasibility of setting the certain time policies from either CLI or WebUI.

Server side#

The server side should be able to receive iCalendar files and strings and validate them according to the above restrictions. It should also give means to generating iCalendar strings based on user input from the CLI and WebUI. This should be performed using the options at addition and modification commands.

New dependency: python-icalendar will be used for parsing and creating the iCalendar strings.

SSSD side#

SSSD will be enforcing the time rules. To do that, it will need to handle parsing the iCalendar strings - libical C library is used for that. SSSD evaluator should go through the VEVENT components and check if the current time falls into the time span defined by these VEVENTs.

For the first version only systems that offer means for non-complicated programmable current time zone retrieval will be supported. This means Red Hat and Debian based systems.

New dependency: libical library will be used to handle parsing of the iCalendar strings. It will also be used to generate recurrence of RRULE property of iCalendar strings to help evaluate the comparison against the current time.

Feature Management#

There are multiple ways how to associate an iCalendar string with a time rule object:

  1. Use options of the addition/modification commands (preferred way)

  2. Add it using an escaped iCalendar string

  3. Use a file generated by an external tool

The time rules should also offer a way to test whether they apply for a given time similarly to what hbactest module does. The hbactest module should also be extended to allow testing whether an HBAC rule applies at a given time.

These possibilities should be reflected both in the WebUI and CLI.


A new page will need to be created for listing and creation of time rule objects. The creation page should allow creation/modification of a time rule using the parameters of the according addition/modification commands. It should also allow upload of an iCalendar file or direct iCalendar string addition. For the modification of the RRULE iCalendar property some code of this 3rd party solution might be helpful: http://jkbrzt.github.io/rrule/.

The WebUI should show warning of some kind when modifying a time rule that belongs to one or more HBAC rules.

The UI of HBAC rules needs changing as well. It should now include a new section for addition of time rules, similar to the user, host and service sections. User should be able to add more time policies for an HBAC rule by the name of the policy.


CLI will need to introduce new commands for the addition of the time rules as well as adding these newly created rules to HBAC rules.




NAME [ –icalfile=file.ics | –time=escaped_icalstring | OPTS ]


NAME [ –icalfile=file.ics | –time=escaped_icalstring | OPTS ]










NAME –timerule=RULE_NAME


NAME –timerule=RULE_NAME



where OPTS = [--`start <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section->`__=TIME] [--`end <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section->`__=TIME] | --`duration <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section->`__=DUR] [--`dates <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section->`__=DTLIST] [--`rrule <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section->`__=RRULE]. TIME, DUR, DTLIST, RRULE should be values formatted according to RFC5545 for the given iCalendar components. The RFC5545 value type (e.g. DATE, DATE-TIME) is recognized automatically from the value format.

The DTIME values are formatted as the DATE-TIME value data type.

As one can see from the table the addition/modification commands take one of icalfile, time or combination of iCalendar creation options.

timerule-mod and timerule-show should display all the HBAC rules that are using them so that the user directly sees the impact of their actions.

timerule-del should prevent deletion of a time rule should this time rule be used in any HBAC rule to prevent security issues.

hbactest command should be extended with a compulsory option –time.

How to Use#

  1. A user creates a time rule depending on what they have available

    • iCalfile: ipa timerule-add someday --icalfile=myical05052016.ics

    • iCalstring: ipa timerule-add someday --time="BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:Internet iCal generator\nVERSION:2.0\nMETHOD:REQUEST\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nDTSTAMP:20160406T112129Z\nDTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160505\nUID:1@darkside.com\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR"

    • Using options: ipa timerule-add someday --start=20160505

  2. Then, ipa hbacrule-add newRule SOMEOPTIONS for standard HBAC Rule creation.

  3. Add the newly created time rule to the HBAC rule: ipa hbacrule-add-timerule newRule --timerule=someday

  4. From now on, the hosts/services are only accessible at the time described by the iCalendar string in someday time rule.