Related tickets #3068
Tool for FreeIPA which will check status of every replica in FreeIPA infrastructure. We can check status of FreeIPA related services via ipactl status command on each replica but we do not have an information about services running on other replicas. I chose an approach to have a running net-snmp agent on each replica. Every agent has a set of services in its configuration file which statuses will be check.
Use Cases#
On each replica will be a client which sends snmp request message to agents on replicas. Agents send back a message or messages with information about number of running services of each name. This communication is asynchronous therefore timeouts for waiting for replies will be needed.
When FreeIPA server starts then ipactl gets a set of services for each replica from directory server and saves them to the net-snmp agent’s config file. Net-snmp agent cannot check status of services because it can only check the number of running processes of each service name (names which could be visible with “/bin/ps -e”) in config file. NTP service could be configured as FreeIPA part but this information is not stored in Directory Server as for other services, for example like DNS. I choose solution when I “grep” /var/lib/ipa/sysrestore/sysrestore.state file for presence ‘[ntpd]’ option in it.
Client will be authorized to agent via SNMPv3 security possibilities. SNMPv3 is used for authentication and for privacy. Each replica should have own account for access to SNMP MIB. Replicas could be created or removed dynamically, but net-snmp loads account informations during start from file. Solution is to restart net-snmp daemons on all replicas after every infrastructure change. This will be the first solution.
Better soulution is implement LDAP backend support for net-snmp (credentials for client authentication and privacy should be stored here). New LDAP schema for this support should be defined. Net-snmp agent then could send query to local 389 DS instance and look up account information in it. Agent can verify client’s identity after he gets hash of client passphrase. This extension will be implement later.

Example agent’s configuration#
### Added by IPA Installer ###
proc krb5kdc
proc kadmind
proc named
proc memcached
proc httpd
proc java
proc ntpd
proc ns-slapd
createUser myuser SHA authpassphrase AES privpassphrase
rouser -s usm myuser authpriv .
proc option checks number of running processes “name”.
createUser option creates user “myuser” with SHA authentication password “authpassphrase” and with AES “privpassphrase” password for privacy.
rouser specifies read-only access for user “myuser” to “. “ OID tree. This OID is subtree which stores information for proc options. authpriv specifies minimum security level which enforces use of authentication and encryption.
Proc java is in example because pki-tomcatd is visible only as “java” with /bin/ps -e.
Example how to get data from agent#
`` snmpwalk -v 3 -u myuser -l authPriv -a SHA -A authpassphrase -x AES -X privpassphrase localhost . ``
Any additional requirements or changes discovered during the implementation phase.
Feature Management#
Tool is optional component of FreeIPA and it could be enabled with –setup-snmp parameter in install script (ipa-server-install). If master server is installed with –setup-snmp parameter then tool will be enabled on all replicas. Enabled services in Directory Server on FreeIPA master server will be checked during replica installation. If entry for SNMP service will be present, then tool will be enabled.
All command line possibilities can be accesible via web browser FreeIPA interface.
Command to gain information could be something like ipa replica-status . Command will use a net-snmp client, which sends a request to all agents and client waits for replies. If filter is specified then only status of specified services or status of specified replicas will be printed.
Client needs to know names of all replicas in FreeIPA infrastructure. This names should be get from directory server. Entries of connected replicas are stored in cn=master,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc= subtree, for example cn=master,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=.
Command should accept timeout argument like –timeout=10, by default should be used some value, for example 10 seconds.
Filter for replicas should be –replica=name1 –replica=name2. Filter for services should be –service=name1 –service=name2.
Client will use net-snmp-utils commands, especially snmpwalk to get data from SNMP agent.
Major configuration options and enablement#
Updates and Upgrades#
net-snmp and net-snmp-utils packages will be needed
External Impact#