
The typical web applications nowadays use HTTP cookie-based authentication sessions, usually with login-form to enter login and password pair which is then validated by the application against some internal user database. Session record is then created and cookie set, which the browser will send with each subsequent request to the application. The application can then show data related to the authenticated user (shopping cart content, user’s posts, stored files) throughout their work with the application.

In large organizations and enterprise deployments, user identities are usually managed in some central manner. Many programming languages and frameworks provide libraries/modules to authenticate for example against LDAP sources. However, when the full complexity of enterprise setups is considered, including Kerberos authentication, failovers, use of Active Directory, and identity federation, it can be useful to offload the authentication support to solution independent on the application code or framework – Apache modules, and where needed, System Security Services Daemon (sssd).

With fairly minimal changes, web applications can consume the results of authentication performed by Apache modules, using the standard REMOTE_USER environment variable/attribute/method. If applications know how to handle the authentication result coming from the underlying (front end) web server, it is then just a matter of configuration of the web server to add access control to Kerberos authentication, federated authentication via SAML, or use central identity management server like FreeIPA to authenticate [login, password] values submitted by user to application’s native logon-form.

If the application is then extended to understand additional proposed environment variables, it can receive not just the authentication and authorization result but also additional information about the user, for example email address or full name, typically needed by application to provide the full functionality and good user experience. With group membership information available to the application, the application can base its application-specific roles/access rights/authorization for the user based on the external user information, again without having to add support for all of them in the application or framework code directly.

There is an example setup accompanying this page which demonstrates the concepts described below on a trivial CGI application.

We do not expect applications to drop their existing functionality that served them well, this is merely an additional possibility.

The use of sssd#

The System Security Services Daemon (sssd) is present as a standard part of the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and related distributions. It provides access to identity and authentication services and is primarily aimed at the operating system level. In this document, we will explore ways to use it for authentication and identity access of web applications, while preserving the distinction of the operating system and web application deployed on it.

We will assume that the system on which the web application is deployed is IPA-enrolled. Using the command


the local configuration of a couple of subsystems including sssd can be set up to point to a FreeIPA server. It also creates a host record on the server, making it possible to add services and get their Kerberos keytab.

Services are important because they make it possible to have fine-grained control over a user’s access to the system. We might want to give a network administrator ssh access to the machine, but not access to the accounting system running on it. We might want to allow employees in the finance department to be able to access the accounting web application, but not ssh access to the underlying host.


All contemporary web browsers support SPNEGO and Kerberos. When accessing http://server.example.com/ or https://server.example.com/, the server can propose Negotiate authentication method. If the user currently has ticket granted ticket (obtained for example via kinit command), the brower will obtain Kerberos tickets for principal HTTP/server.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM (as opposed to ssh which uses host/server.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM) and use related GSSAPI data to authenticate to the server.

To enable this method on typical Apache installation, mod_auth_gssapi or mod_auth_kerb module needs to be installed and configured.

Application change: REMOTE_USER#

The application then needs to be able to retrieve the result of the authentication, the login (principal) of the authenticated user. The standard mechanism for CGI deployments is via REMOTE_USER environment variable, and almost every web framework has a way to get this value from the web server, either via environment variable, attribute, or dedicated method call. (It’s the same value and mechanism used for the HTTP Basic Authentication.)

The application not only needs to retrieve the value but its processing flow needs to be modified to trust this value. Note that this variable will not be set unless the admin deploying and setting up the application configured the underlying Apache correctly. For application developers it might be a step from having complete control over the internal user database to more uncertainty, having to trust that the external value is correct.

Furthermore, many applications will need to have record for any authenticated user in its internal database, even for the externally (Kerberos) authenticated ones, for foreign keys to work. That is fine – the first time the application sees REMOTE_USER set to value it does not have in the database, it can create the user record in its internal database on the fly. That way, even if it uses object-relational mapping, the application will still work. (See below if the application requires that the user record has certain attributes besides login NOT NULL.)

Other authentication modules#

Besides Kerberos (with mod_auth_gssapi or mod_auth_kerb), there are other mechanisms that can be configured in Apache to authenticate:

Authentication Method

Apache Authentication Module

Pure Application Level


Kerberos Single Sign-On (ticket)








Host and service based access control#

If mod_auth_gssapi/mod_auth_kerb is configured and application extended to consult and trust the REMOTE_USER value, it may have a potentially unwanted side effect – any user who is able to get the Kerberos ticket for HTTP/server.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM would then be able to log into the application. If the application is only intended for small set of users and if any successful external authentication will populate user record in application’s database, that will pollute the database with users who have no access rights in the application yet manage to come across its URL and get authenticated.

A possible solution is to apply access control check to the Kerberos authentication method on the Apache level. That way, even if the user is able to get the Kerberos ticket the authentication will still fail. For this to work, we will use Apache module mod_authnz_pam, configure PAM service to use pam_sss.so, hooking it via sssd to the FreeIPA server, and set up host-based access control (HBAC) rule in FreeIPA to separate service, to only give access to a particular set or group of users.

HBAC rules#

We will start from the end – from the FreeIPA HBAC service. It is just a string which distinguishes one service from another. Running

ipa hbacsvc-find

will show pre-created services like ssh, kdm, login, or kdm. Their names are then used to define the respective PAM service on the client – so for ssh, the configuration is in /etc/pam.d/ssh. If we are adding service for a reporting web application in our organization, we can name it reporting or reporting.example.com or reporting-prod and reporting-qa if we have multiple environments. Please consult help pages

ipa help hbacsvc
ipa help hbacrule
ipa help hbactest

for detailed description of creating HBAC services and rules in FreeIPA. Please also note that you will probably need to disable the default allow_all HBAC rule for the mechanism to work properly.

PAM service#

On the IPA-enrolled machine on which the web application is being configured, we need to define the PAM service to use sssd. We create file named the same as the HBAC service we’ve created with ipa hbacsvc-add and configure pam_sss.so for both auth and account. For example, if the HBAC service is reporting-prod, we will need file /etc/pam.d/reporting-prod with content

auth    required   pam_sss.so
account required   pam_sss.so


The module mod_authnz_pam adds access control checks to authentication phase of HTTP request processing in Apache. The typical mod_auth_gssapi/mod_auth_kerb configuration will have

require valid-user

in it, saying that any authenticated user should be allowed. When we change it to require pam-account PAM-service, the user will only be authenticated by Apache if it matches the account check in PAM, which in case of pam_sss.so and sssd being configured to consult FreeIPA will lead to HBAC rule check, with the PAM service name used as the HBAC service. For our reporting-prod example, the require valid-user will change to

require pam-account reporting-prod

We can even used different PAM services for different parts of the application, provided they can be identified using URLs. If the application has a special admin section, we can define separate PAM service (which possibly more strict rules) for this part:

<Location /app>
require pam-account reporting-prod
<Location /app/admin>
require pam-account reporting-prod-admin


The mod_authnz_pam module can be configured with any other module which uses the require Apache directive. The deployment matrix then changes to:

Authentication Method

Apache Modules


Access Control

Pure Application Level


Kerberos Single Sign-On (ticket)








Please consult the example setup page for detailed configuration steps.

Login form using FreeIPA#

In many situations, neither Kerberos nor any other authentication method which requires some additional setup on client’s side (like certificates) can be used or mandated, for practical reasons. Still, if the organization has a central user management in the form of FreeIPA, it can connect its existing applications to the FreeIPA authentication service, while retaining the application-specific look and feel of its login form. All that it takes for application is to understand the REMOTE_USER result of Apache authentication modules.

The central authentication is achieved using the HBAC and PAM service described above, and Apache module mod_intercept_form_submit. The module can be configured to look at HTTP POST request resulting from user submitting application’s login form, and if login and password are found in the request, it will run PAM authentication and access control checks, using service specified with InterceptFormPAMService directive. The module internally calls mod_authnz_pam. When the service is properly configured to use pam_sss.so and sssd is configured to use FreeIPA, this form submit interception will validate the login/password pair, plus do the access control check like in the setup with Kerberos, described above.

The successful result of this authentication is again passed using the REMOTE_USER mechanism. If application consults this value and trusts it, it will consider the user authenticated without checking its local user database.

The failed authentication result is signalled to the application via environment variable EXTERNAL_AUTH_ERROR and applications are welcome to use this result indication.

The proposed mix of authentication setups expands to

Authentication Method

Apache Modules


Access Control

Pure Application Level


Kerberos Single Sign-On (ticket)








Login form-based


The example setup page has more details about the configuration.

Additional user information#

The FreeIPA server can not only store plain login identities and passwords for authentication services, it can also hold additional user attributes like email addresses, phone numbers, or full names of users, as well as group membership. The sssd is then able to access this information and make it available to applications via new sssd-dbus package.

Using Apache module mod_lookup_identity which can talk to sssd’s ifp service over dbus, any Apache module’s authenticated user can have additional environment variables populated from the central identity provider like FreeIPA. This can be used if the application requires that additional attributes are filled before storing the user in its internal database, or simply if the application makes use of such data. On the sssd side, the list of LDAP attributes that need to be retrieved and cached is specified, and then in mod_lookup_identity’s configuration, these attributes are mapped to environment variables.

One type of data that the sssd-dbus calls provides is user’s group membership. This can be used to populate application-specific roles of the externally-authenticated user. Consider a situation when a newly hired network administrator is added to group netadmin in organization’s FreeIPA server. Module mod_lookup_identity is able to retrieve this group name and populate environment variable like REMOTE_USER_GROUP_N, REMOTE_USER_GROUP_1, …, or REMOTE_USER_GROUPS as colon-separated list. System management and provisioning application can hold internal mapping of the external group netadmin to its internal role and access control handling, making such a user automatically have appropriate privileges.

When using the attributes to populate the database with externally-authenticated users, it is good to consider the case when user’s details or group membership in the central identity provider change. It might be useful to not only populate the user record when it is not found in application’s database the first time the user authenticates, but also compare and update the information every time the user authenticates, if needed. This is especially important if group membership is linked to application’s role handling.

Populating of additional attributes, mapping of groups to roles, and update of this information in application’s database are therefore additional changes that the web application developers might consider adding to their application to make deployment of their application easier in large enterprise environment, without getting necessarily deep into the details of each possible identity provider which the organizations might use. The applications only need to assume that the environment variables (or whatever is the method of handling this information in its programming language or framework) might be populated by the HTTP daemon setup and its modules.

It is also our hope that other modules that might have the additional user attributes available (like SAML) might populate the proposed environment variables directly, so even if the web application deployment does not use neither FreeIPA, sssd, nor any of the Apache modules mentioned on this page, effort that went into modifications of web applications can still be used.

The example setup page describes the sssd-dbus and mod_lookup_identity setup in more detail.

The whole proposed solution for web application authentication using sssd:

Authentication Method

Apache Modules


Access Control

Pure Application Level


Kerberos Single Sign-On (ticket)








Login form-based


Note: sssd call also be configured to use different identity providers than FreeIPA but such setup is beyond the scope of this overview.

Namespace Separation#

In the above description we have assumed that the admin wants to handle all their application users with external authentication and that the set of user identities (locally created/managed and the externally-authenticated) overlap. Depending on the use case this might or might not be desirable. Consult Namespace separation for possible setups with externally-authenticated users marked with @REALM and multiple IPA server setups.


As mentioned above, when the Web application / framework is amended to be able to process REMOTE_USER and REMOTE_USER_GROUP_* environment variables, it’s then just a matter of configuration of the front-end server to enable a particular mechanism of external authentication. For example, for SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), mod_auth_mellon can be used and starting with version 0.11.0, it can be configured to populate environment variables exactly like mod_lookup_identity does:

MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "REMOTE_USER_GROUP" "groups"
MellonEnvVarsIndexStart 1
MellonEnvVarsSetCount On

and we can pass other attributes as well:

MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME" "surname"
MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME" "givenname"
MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "REMOTE_USER_EMAIL" "email"




In Spacewalk 2.1, it is possible to use both the Kerberos authentication, and the form-based PAM authentication, including the HBAC management from FreeIPA and mapping of group membership from the identity provider to Spacewalk roles (access rights) – see https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/SpacewalkAndIPA for full documentation of the feature.


Based on Spacewalk upstream, the capability is now also available in Satellite 5.7 and documented in the Using Identity Management for Authentication chapter of the Installation Guide.


In Foreman 1.5, the external authentication is fully implemented as described on this page – see the tracking issue with links to individual issues and pull requests that introduced the feature. It is now documented in Foreman manual.

Satellite 6#

Based on Foreman upstream, the capability is now also available in Satellite 6.0: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Satellite/6.1/html/User_Guide/sect-Using-IdM-for-Authentication.html


The support for external authentication is now in manageiq master: ManageIQ/manageiq. The feature is configured by the console: ManageIQ/manageiq, or manually: ManageIQ/guides and ManageIQ/guides.


Based on the ManageIQ upstream, the capability is now also available in CFME 5.3 and documented in the Configuration chapter of the Settings and Operations Guide.


Federated Authentication Utilizing Apache & SSSD by John Dennis.


Using OS-level identity, authentication, and access control for Web applications#

Identity management in Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Web Application Authentication Series#


Foreman demo#


External and Federated Identities on the Web#

Using OS-level identity, authentication, and access control for Web applications#

External Identity and Authentication Providers For Apache HTTP Server#

Identity Management Scaling Out and Up#

External Authentication for Django Projects#